

BTS-HUNGÁRIA Limited Liability Company was established in 2004 to enter the market for air conditioning and machinery rental. Recognizing the potential of renewable energy production, the Company gave up the former business and started the preparation of a solar power plant in 2015.

Solar energy is the cleanest and most abundant renewable energy source available. Solar technologies can harness this energy for a variety of uses, including generating electricity. The clean and life giving light energies of our sun can be transformed into electric power in the most environmentally effective way. This energy with the help of local electric providers can be delivered to households and enterprises and can serve as a genuine alternative for meeting everyday energy needs. We cannot run out of solar energy, unlike some of the other sources of energy. Solar energy will be accessible as long as the sun is shining above us. In a few decades solar energy will become the major part of a sustainable energy system for the whole world. Although solar energy is intermittent and directly depends on the weather and day-night cycles, rapid advances in electricity storage technologies are reducing this dependency and will lead to the increasing share of solar power in the energy system.


The owners of BTS-HUNGÁRIA Ltd. recognized these processes and are ready to cooperate for reaching a cleaner and smarter future because they believe in a friendlier and brighter world that treats natural resources more humanely.